Our mission is to empower students to pursue their interest in STEM by providing access to inclusive, hands-on opportunities for all members of our community. Specifically, we aim to spread FIRST core values and experiences to students whose schools do not have existing programs, students whose school teams conflict with other commitments, and students who won’t get actual hands-on experience on their school team. We want to provide a safe space for students who want an activity outside of school.
We’re a small, community-based team. Our members design, manufacture, program, and operate a robot to compete in a global competition. We’re not affiliated with a school. Students don’t have to apply or try out to be on our team. We welcome everyone, experienced or not. On our team, students can be hands-on with the robot from day one. Unlike large teams, we allow all students to attend competitions.
We believe it’s important to learn lifelong skills, but we also think it’s important to have fun doing it! We won the Team Spirit Award at the 2023 Silicon Valley Regional. You can see us in this NPR article.

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